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Yearly PE Units

Cooperative Games

We begin the year with cooperative games to help the students get to know one another better and build, communication and teamwork.



This unit focuses on striking a ball upward using the palm of your hand or forearms. Students will learn some of the rules of volleyball and play various games working on these new skills. We will also learn to volley with a racket to work on activities like badminton.

Throwing and Catching

During this unit students will learn to properly roll, underhand toss and overhand throw an object through progression and games.


Three times a year students will do FitnessGram testing. The testing involves sit-ups, push-ups and the PACER endurance test.


In this exciting unit, students will be fitness drumming. This works on rhythm skills and cardiovascular endurance while learning routines to music.


Rhythm and Dance

Students will learn popular line dances and some new exciting ones that work on their rythym and movement skills.


This units breaks up into two, one focusing on striking with the foot (soccer skills) and another focusing on striking with an implement (baseball/softball skills).

Basketball Net


Students will learn how to dribble, pass, shoot and about some of the basic rules of basketball through various games and activities.

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