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Health Happenings!

Next up in Health...

Students are finishing up the Personal Health Unit. They will be learning about their body and how to keep it strong and healthy.
Some covered topics include:
Kinder: Dental hygiene, the 5 senses, skeletal system, heart and sleep
1st Grade: Dental hygiene, skeletal system, digestive system, heart and sleep
2nd Grade: Skeletal system, muscular system, cardiovascular system and digestive system
3rd Grade: The ear, the heart, skeletal and muscular systems and the lungs
4th Grade: The eyes, circulatory and cardiovascular systems, digestive system and skeletal system

5th grade will be continuing with the Students Take Charge program through URI and Farm Fresh RI. They are starting to learn more about where our food comes from and how to create a balanced meal based off of the MyPlate. They will be doing the recipe taste test and voting round the week of 3/10.
5th grade will begin the Personal Health Unit once the Students Take Charge program concludes.

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